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can I use scotch tape to mend a VHSC tape?

the tape in question is a TDK EHG TC-30
Anthony Garcia, February 2006
Scotch tape has a couple of problems: the mastic oozes out from under the splice & will cause adjacent layers of recording tape to stick together. Also, the spliced ends will slowly slip appart.

You should be able to obtain a video tape splicing kit. It will include special splicing tape and a special cutting block. Be extra careful not to accidentally introduce a twist into the recording tape as you splice it. This can be mind-boggling.

From my personal experience, a "perfect splice" with video tape, even using a kit, is virtually impossible. You will still get video streaks and audio interruption at the splice, and before and after the splice where you unavoidably handled the tape. So, I would only attempt to splice a video tape if it has something valuable and irreplaceable already on it. Otherwise, toss it.

EVB, February 2006
You can but it won't hold up to much use. I suggest you spring for the real stuff - go to your local video store and talk w/the owner who probably has the equipment needed.

I will go ever the steps I used when splicing audio tape; this will be 'roughly' equivalent.

1) on a cutting surface, trace both edges of the tape so that you will be able to line up the 2 edges for the splice (at least 6 inches).
2) trim both ends removing any stretched tape and making each end a good, flat 90 deg.
3) overlap the 2 tape ends usine the (1) marks to make sure they are alligned; the overlap should be long enough to a 45 deg cut to start at the upper corner of the top piece to the lower corner of the bottom piece.
4) flip the tape over so the non-mag side is up, line up the cut ends inside the (1) marks so that the 2 edges just meet - do not overlap. Have someone apply the tape; ideally the tape should be just as long as the diagonal cut; trim the excess tape from the sides.

X-acto knive (or its generic equivalent) is the recommended tool for trimming if you don't have a splicing tool that does all of this except, maybe, flipping the tape. you want the thinnest, toughest tape for splicing

Hope this helps,

GrimJack, February 2006