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how do you replace the bulb in a breville microwave
GORDON FRASER, November 2009
how do i remove the bulb ? breville microwave

andy, July 2010
You will have to remove the microwave outer casing (remove the 6 screws and slide panel outwards - this will expose the inside workings of the microwave). Be very careful not to touch the capacitor - it can give you a shock). The bulb holder should be visible on the top part of the microwave - Held in place by two screws (Usually black in colour and it has two lead wires coming out from the holder). Unscrew the holder from framework and gently pull out to expose the bulb. Unscrew bulb and replace). If you shine a torch inside the microwave it is possible to see where the bulb is located when the outsde panel is removed). Replace cover (Slde back into place then put the screws back). Job Done!

Harri, February 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Breville.