If you have had them for some time, then yes. Turn off the main fuse box or consumer unit which supplies them all. Then turn each and everyone off at its local switch. It is usually the case that that the front covers can be removed by unscrewing a couple of screws at the bottom. Now with a powerful vacuum cleaner and a 1/2" paintbrush, remove every trace of dust, cobwebs, loose rust and other tripe from the covers and the innards, BUT AVOID DISTURBING THE WIRING OR CONTROLS. You can clean the paintwork of the covers with window cleaner and a duster. If there are loose strands of the lagging dangling, snip them off too. Do all the nooks and crannies, then carefully reassemble. This will keep the heaters working at maximum efficiency, and prevent the thermal cutout inside from tripping unneccessarily. You could do this once a year before the heating season starts. Don't forget to switch everything back on when you are finished!
Stooby, December 2009