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how can i remove taps from washbasin?

I want to replace the taps on a washbasin but they are sealed to the pocelain and in the threads of the taps with some whiteish material which is hard, I have heard it refered to as plumbers mate but as they have been there for at least 30 years I have no idea what was used!
I have been warned that by trying to release the fixing nuts I could crack the basin, any ideas?
peter, January 2010
Take them off,you shouldn't crack the basin unless the spanner slips,you will need an old wood chisel to remove the mate,make sure you have a clean flat surface for your new taps and use plenty of silicone,have someone hold the tap firmly stopping it from turning while you loosen the nut,some old basins had square holes in them with a square flange on the tap,I've had this problem before and the base diameter of the new taps was smaller than the corner to corner measurement of the square,but you can get base plates to fit between the tap and basin,it is unlikely you will need them but hold the tap still anyway.

Rich, January 2010