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fuse location for a GE spacemaker XL 1800?

i was removing the surface lightbulb and it sparked and the microwave won't turn on at all. the breaker didn't flip. does anyone know where the fuse for this microwave is located?
jon, February 2010
It is on the right when I opened my Microwave, the fuse is just under where the cord joins. About 20 screws, easy to remove the cover. It was hard to get it off the wall as we had tiled after it was installed. Actually had to take the cupboard out on top of it first. Going to add a small strip of wood to bring the installation plate out to tile level and bend down the 4 catch pieces on the wall plate just a bit 15 degrees more before reinstalling. It also has 3 huge screws from the top so I think still secure enough and I know the cupboards are fastened securely into the studs.

frankl, April 2021
On my model JVM1851BH02, the part number for the fuse is 74, and it's housed inside fuse holder (part number 73).

Sean, April 2013
The fuse is located to the right frontside of the blade fan (part 53 on GE diagram at
The fuse iitself is part 47 on this diagram, which is housed in fuse box part 46. I used this diagram to locate the fuse. You have to get the microwave off the wall; then take off the cover; unplug a socket from power supply cord that plugs into a socket just behind the fan housing; and move the cover out of way to access the fuse house. The fuse is is 250 V , 20 AMP microwave fuse available at Home Depot for less than $3. GE price is $7.50; appliance stores will charge you about $20. Work is basic, but you need to be reasonably strong and tall to remove the microwave from the wall by yourself. If you are not six feet tall and strong; you may want to have a second person for help.

Suresh Baral, July 2011
Did you ever find out?

Bob, June 2010