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10 YEAR OLD. Lots of parts replaced by British gas BUT .... Get hot water okay but little or no heat to rads.

Temp at boiler reads 30 - 32. Hot water on, climbs to 70, CH on, does not climb. British Gas incapable, or so it appears when they refer to it as the boiler from hell.

I have done all the bleeding. Pressure just under 1.5 bar.

Limited info I know but any suggestions?

As an aside what would be a decent and fair price for a good quality combi plus 14 rads spread over ground floor bungalow and and attic conversion. 9 rads down and 5 rads up. Any clues?
dogbitedave44, February 2010
Yikes you would need a monster combi to cope with the rads and try and get hot water output at anything like the rate delivered from a linea max. You have got to be looking ata worcester 37 or 42 cdi or an equivalent viessman boiler to cope with that lot. Guess would be around £5000. Probably better combining a system boiler with a megaflo if you have high demand on hot water. Attic may be a bridge too far for existing boiler if pipework has not been upgraded at time of conversion. Try shutting off all rads upstairs to see if circuit downstairs gets hot and go from there

RAWPLUMB, February 2010