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How can I mend my Panasonic NV-HD100B VCR?

The display panel on the front of my panasonic nv-hd100b vcr has stopped working, how can i obtain a replacement and change it?
Jeff Nicholas, February 2004
I had this problem and it could either be the display itself or the driver to the disply.
The cost of iether id prohibitive and the chances of you soldering the replacement part is remote.
I would suggest 3 possibilities.
1)sell it to me as scrap...I can use the "other" parts
2)sell it on ebay for spares/repaires
3)look on ebay for someone selling for the same reason and buy theirs for parts after first establishing the display is ok
Hope this helps

Dave Newbould, January 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Panasonic.