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what could be wrong with my trianco eurostar boiler please?

Hi, firstly thankyou to anyone that can help
My boiler is about 6 years old, a Trianco Eurostar
The problem is it will start up but dies after about 10 secs and the red light on the control box comes on.
I have so far had a chap out 3 times but each time I part with at least £100 and boiler remains not working!
Ive been advised to get a new control box which I have done and problem remains the same.
At this point my trust in engineers is sadly nil and any suggestions to help will be more than appreciated. I really do not know what to do from here, I no longer have any local companies left to use! and quite frankly now Im broke!
Sorry to sound negative on poor boiler engineers, just not had any luck lol
Thanks again
Tina, October 2010
Many thanks, will try to replace the photocell and have my fingers crossed lol
Im afraid the rest was gobbledy gook to me so I will just have to find 1 more guy that hopefully wont be just in the mood to rip me off, Considering there are many many oil boilers in my area there really does seem to be a lack of engineers!
Thanks again, T

Tina, October 2010
Itcould be one of several faults,it sounds likely to be a faulty photo cell. It also could be no ignition (spark)
Is the oil getting to the oil pump? If it is, is the o.p.p.
correct? and it is possible it could be the control box.
Possibly ,perhaps the nozzle is blocked? Sorry if this is confusing, but you do need a good engineer to take a look at it .

I. Short, October 2010