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can't lock door from outside and have difficulty locking it from inside?

door lock mechanism seems fine as key will turn in lock when trying it open. Need to really force handle up to lock it when closed and also need to lift handle up to unlock. Can't lock it from outside at all. Feel as though it has somehow moved out of position yet it closes freely
shirley, January 2011
look at the door frame were the upper and lower latch (bolts) from the door" go into the frame, as they are different from the KEY lock" when you push up the handel to lock the door , the bolts lock into the frame,, make sure that the black or white ect" strip of plastic in that part of the door frame has not moved up or down, blocking off some or all of the holes were the bolts go, if so use stickey tape to hold the strips in place ,, check this first,,

mick, January 2011