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how can i fix my creative zen touch?

My creative zen touch has frozen in shutting down mode and will not actually switch off. Any ideas on resetting? creative advice is to "ensure player is switched off then reset" but I can't get it switched off!
Jan, August 2006
My daughter's player kept freezing with "Firmware Problem" error after Library rebuild - I let battery run down then plugged in charger but kept getting same response each time I tried. I got the info below from Creative Support but as I couldn't turn player off I pressed the Reset (with difficulty - it has come loose but poking round eventually worked) whilst holding down the Play/Pause with player turned on. Got the Recovery screen OK and the Clean-up option worked without any loss of music files.
From Creative Support :
"1. Turn off the Zen.
2. Hold down the Play/Pause button and insert a paper clip into the reset hole. The reset hole is located on the side of your player in the bottom left corner.
3. Remove the paper clip and release the Play/Pause button once the Zen Touch has booted in to Recovery Mode.

There are three options in Recovery Mode that will help to restore the
functionality of the player. Please try each of those options one at the
time and test if the functionality of the player is restored:
1. Clean Up: This performs a disk scan. It does not remove any data.
Once completed select ?Reboot?.
2. Format All: This formats the player's hard disk. Note: ALL CONTENTS
ON THE MP3 PLAYER WILL BE LOST!! Once completed select ?Reboot?.
3. Reload Firmware: This option starts the process of reloading the
player?s firmware:
a) download a new firmware for the player from:

and save it on your PC in the location you will easily find it ( e.g.
b) Select Option ?Reload Firmware? from the player?s Recovery Menu and
then follow the on-screen instructions on your player. This process will
take a few minutes. Please be patient and do not disconnect your player
during the process.
c) Once completed select ?Reboot?.

If these steps fail to resolve the problem then please reply to this
automated email and a Technical Support advisor will assist you further."

Eric, August 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Creative.