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Where can I get a replacement gasket for a Servowarm Supreme Classic system?

Homeserve have identified a gasket replacement required for a Servowarm Supreme Classic system. Trouble is no one makes these any more. British Gas and N Power are not interested and just want to sell me a new boiler. Is there anyone out there who could make this gasket please?
Gerard Ramsey, February 2011
Thanks Brian. Don't know the parts number for the gasket, all I know is that when the boiler is switched on from cold, it leaks from this gasket and when it reaches a certain temperature, it seals itself. If I leave the heating on, there's no problems. Dreading my fuel bill! I have tried several local plumbers but no one is interested.

Gerry, February 2011
it depends what the gasket is for but generally speaking a competent plumber should be able to do it

brian, February 2011