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need help with my new home saing machine model no,314?

i have tried this suggestion below.
con rod that runs from the upper part of the machine & connects onto a shaft that runs to the hook.If you turn the machine by hand the shart should rock back & forth.If this is not the case you will need to tighten the screws on the con rod.With the machine on it's back remove the hook retaining ring,set the machine to zig zag & maximum width & with the needle on the left turn the shaft until the point of the hook is just above the eye of the needle on it's upward stroke.Tighten the screws this part moves ok but the hook race only moves to the right and not back to the left to catch the cotton. the needle moves ok.plese help
traky, June 2011
Don't know where you got that load of rubbish from but if you need to retime the machine type my email address as you say it not as you see it and remind me of your problem and I will attach timing instructions

kendourof at yahoo dot com, June 2011