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I really don't know!?

I really don't know why I bother posting replies!

I was brought up to know when you should use those three valuable words, but many don't nowadays.
What are they? Please followed by Thank you at the end of their question.

I'm now waiting for the flak!.
Bob, May 2013
I see Peccavi hasn't come back perhaps he's indisposed too, as I was

bob, May 2013
OK Peccavi Thank you! , thank you!
gts thank you!
CK thank you!
The delay Peccavi was not ignorance but I have been out of action for a few days since posting, 'Man flue' I believe its called, felt too much like the proverbial to attempt to switch on my computer let alone enter a forum.

However yes I should have followed as I normally to with thank you in anticipation for replies. However, I'm surprised anyone did. There you go.

You are 'Treasured' on here Peccavi as you have answered many of my questions and seem very Knowledgeable in all subjects, and I did add to my questions thank you in anticipation, with exception of this one of course as it was more a statement than a question.

Thank you all for taking the time an trouble to reply to my original entry and for reading this follow up in the answers section. I really feel better now and will 'Back peddle' and take note of Peccavi's comments on of helping someone, you're right I'm a ' People Pleaser' as my brother in law says.

Bob, May 2013
So - after three answers you still can not bring yourself to say thank you. Is this pot-kettle-black or do you have some excuse for your silence ?

Peccavi, May 2013
welcome to the club bobby boy,ignorance abounds out there in syber land,we seldome get a thank you,but we are stupid enough to try help the plebs out,our alarm site is served by very experince guys,we give good and trustfull advice ,free of charge,but dumb people abide and may i say ignorant ones too,so,if you need a flack jacket,u can borrow one of ours !

gts, May 2013
You do it because you can't help yourself - it's in your nature to want to try to help people.

It's easy to forget to put a please or thanks at the end of a question and precious few return with feedback.

You fail yourself to beg indulgence and say please in your question but who can crime you for that ? - no flack here...

A warm thank you, however, would not go amiss.
But if you forget or can't be bothered that's OK too.

Peccavi, May 2013
Thankyou for posting this

CK, May 2013