can I reset led board back to normal on my Fisher Paykel?
this is a 7y.o. f.p. duel drawer. Had a drain problem so removed everything and used my wet/dry vac and got what looked like coffee grounds out of sump. 2 or 3 spoonsful. Then tried to reset blinking leds by holding down lock and start. now it goes thru ALL of the error codes and stops on 06 0r 05. Seems to drain ok but cant set it off if 12min rinse cycle back to regular wash. can I hold two buttons and reset led?
No, the only reset feature is to turn power off at wall socket for a few minutes then power back on and try. If still the same then you will have to change the control module.
Linoln Appliance NZ, August 2013
I can answer this question...
can I reset led board back to normal on my Fisher Paykel?