It sounds s though you are connected to a dodgy old TV via an HDMI cable, or have a dodgy scart connection and some coincidences, or have a dodgy RF connection and some coincidences.
If this is not the situation then re ask the question but give a few hints about what you are using.
The Humax Freeviw mode, e.g. F2-Fox, 8000T, 9200T, 9150T, 9300T, HD-Fox, HDR-Fox, HDR-2000t or HDR-1800T;
The software version the humax is using;
The make and model of TV;
The software version the TV is using;
How the TV and the Humax receiver or recorder are connected to each other, e.g. RF lead, SCART lead or HDMI lead. If you have more than one connection then state which you use when you have the issue;
Also state if you have tried a different type of connection to see if the problem still persists and supply details;
Also reseat the connections between the Humax and TV and supply details
Neil S, July 2014