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toshiba dvr19dtkb --- the problem?

1: It goes straight into "autoplay" of whatever disk is inserted even though there is no explanation or option of running in this "mode" - which I have not come across anywhere either manuals or machine.

2: This makes it impossible to load a blank disk for the purpose of recording a programme to be watched later - it's as if everything is subject to "finalise" when "finalise is the last thing I want.

3: It is now rejecting virtually every disk as "unsuitable" when prior to this "fault" there was no such problem.

4: To cap it all, the machine now freezes and will accept no instructions and the "set up" cannot be accessed.

I am bedridden and if that's not enough, I'm half blind. I would appreciate some help.
link Click here to see other fixes for Toshiba DVR19DTKB.