The lift is going to be either a 225 or230 model and mains powered. The black knob on the top side will be the safety gear reset and the lever on the back operates the limit switch assembly. The 225 is chain suspension while the 230 is rack and pinion. The safety gear may have deployed during the move and will need to be reset. The chain will appear slack on the downside of the lift and the black knob will be close to the cover of the carriage. You can use the hand winding handle if you have it or a large flat blade screwdriver inserted into the hole on the downside cover of the carriage where it will locate into a slot in the end shaft of the motor. By turning the screwdriver/winding handle so that the lift moves slowly up the rail and pulling the black knob at the same time you will reset the safety gear and the knob will move away from the cover. It is important that you switch off the mains power before winding though. The procedure is the same for the rack and pinion version.
The black lever on the back of the carriage needs to be below the final limit bracket not above.
bigd, September 2015