The age card won't wash. I'm 70 and perfectly happy to research, learn and use. It's an uphill road at times but I'm self-taught about things like IP addresses, basic Ethernet networking, Windows 98, XP, 7, 8.1 10, MS Office, Unix (A bit) and a tiny bit of Arduino coding.
My self teaching was just about good enough to take on a complex Excel based costing tool at my last employer before retirement, rebuild it into a usable form and have it become the de facto tool for system pricing across several company offices.
I repeat: 90% or more of that was self taught.
So, basically, you are asking what to do but without telling us what bit of software you are actually using or even if they're just web interfaces for Hotmail and Outlook, and not configured general purpose email clients or their dedicated apps.
I wasn't allowed to drive on the public highway until I passed a driving test, or call myself a TÜV FS Eng until I'd passed a 5 hour technical exam (which I did at 60).
I'm firmly of the opinion that similar should apply to using computers.
Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, March 2021