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I am trying to fix old metal barn roofs, I am coming across problems?

First off, is there an easy method to scabbing ( adding boards to the rafters for extra support )? I have tried a few couple things, but I think I am taking the long way, I need to know the trick to adding support. Any special things in Home Depot to help me?

Also a good cheap thick coating that can be painted over, the coating has to be able to cover small holes one or 2 inch diameter.

Lastly, I hope, anything that'll speed the job, but also produce minably good results, that'll last a couple years, certain screws, certain wood, ceratin tools?

OH, I do painting so I have a compressor, is there nails for a nail gun that's made for this? I use screws for the obvious durabilty over standard hammer and nails.... my e-mail address is zoomzoom2222@aol.com.... if you can please e-mail me
Stuck myself in IT again.... Jay, April 2007
Sorry can't help but if you find a paint on covering that covers 2inch holes then post it on this site so we can all try it out.

Other than that I can only suggest you sweat hot laid felt over the holes then coat the roof with a thick bitumen paint like aquaseal No 5. Or instead of hot lay, flash band, but fix it properly using the primer. First read the tin before buying to see if it will stick to metal roofs.

rob, May 2007