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The turn table no longer rotates when microwave is in use?

The turntable has stopped rotating when in use. I have checked to make sure it is on tract and that no debris is blocking ovement.
patty mcgough, May 2007
Microwave is rusted and make a spark when i switch it on. Can I use pratley patty to fix it and spray the microwave again.

leonie, April 2013
It could be that your motor no longer works, or has become disconnected. (Sometimes the shafts on the motor breaks off).

It's also possible that the relay controlling it may not be working properly.

The motors are simple and easy to change.

If it's a relay problem, then that would mean a new relay pcb. In which case if it is a domestic unit, it would be cheaper and easier for you to buy a new machine.

Jon, May 2007