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Repairing toilet handle!?

The handle on my cistern (standard toilet) is leaking. It works fine but water is dripping (very slowly - not a serious problem!) down the front of the toilet from the handle. Simple question I know (!) but should I just fit a new washer on the handle?
Sorry it sounds daft - my first proper attempt at diy!
Many thanks
Cilla Ross, November 2007
Thanks for your help Rich.

Cilla Ross, November 2007
Thanks very much Rich, I will try as you suggest.

Cilla Ross, November 2007
The problem is that the water level is to high,the handles are not a water tight fitting.You'r float hight needs adjusting,the valve may need replacing.If it is an old type with a long rod with a ball on the end hold the rod at both ends and bend it downwards at the ball end so it touches the water level sooner puting more pressure on the valve so closing it off better.The water should have been draining out of the overflow pipe even before it reached the handle level.

Rich, November 2007