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Goodmans LD2002 loss of picture?

I lose picture after about 10 mins sound is ok,turn off/on after 5 mins or so and picture stays on for 2-3 mins.I can solder but need help identifying faulty component
John Derri, November 2007
i have one of these sets on the bench, be surprised if it,s the pwoer supply, sound present, and 12 volts coming out, the one i have has no ac volts coming out of the inverter panel under fault conditions, but has the correct ac volts when fault not there, dc volts going in, o.k. under all conditions, but can,t sourse an inverter. nick

nick pearson, January 2008
I had exactly the same problem and as it was under warranty they changed the power supply. However, after a week or so the same thing happened with the new power supply.
Not sure where to go now as it is out of guarantee

Steven Martyn, January 2008
Change the Electrolytics in the Power Supply

Tom Roy, January 2008
i have been trying to suss this problem out for a while, a family member has just given me their tv and i swapped the adaptor over, hey presto the tv that kept going off appears fine with the new adaptor in place. im not sure whether this will work for you but the symptoms you talk about are exactly the same as the ones my tv was presenting with exactly the same model. one problem is i dont know how much a new adaptor will cost or where you will buy one from. good luck

ANDY, November 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Goodmans.