Where can I send my hairdryers for repair?

I have 2 T3 Bespoke Labs hairdryers just 1 year old and both have broken, with different faults, in the last week. I bought these on the web and they are just out of warranty. The cost over £200 so I prefer to have them repaired than go out and buy new.
Any help would be good.
Amanda, October 2008

£15 postage (if you know where to send them)
£50 parts (if the parts can be bought)
£50 labour (for a couple of hours)

£115 for a guess - Is it worth it?

Best bet is to find a little retired chap who will look at them for you but don't bank on a fix. They are probably made in a far away land with no official repair process.

Peccavi, October 2008