sharp aquos lcd, powers up has sound but no picture?
please help have a sharp lcd, unit powers up to standby, turns on(has static). sound works ok but no picture, heard of factory reset but cant find this button on the tv, any other ideas or really good repair man
the inverter panel is faulty very common.try looking on ebay for a panel or a same tv with smashed screen
Alan Williamson, April 2009
I had a Tech come over today and he determined that the power board was burned out. He took the tv with him and it will cost me 350.00 + tax to fix. I'll let you know how it went. He said that the TV's heat up too much which cause these problems. Keeping the TV in a well circulated area will help and don't keep it on too long. Also keep the vents (from the back panel) clean. just passing on the info.
Nelson, April 2009
I am also trying to find an answer to why this keeps happening... all that keeps coming up are great reviews for this piece of junk on google... its making me sick....
Aquos = Shart, April 2009
my friend, if you get an answer, please forward it to me. I have the same problem. I will post the answer here if I get one. I've bookmarked your question. Thank you.