My carpet has got bubbling in 3 places!?
Could anybody advise me on as to why my 3 year old carpet has started bubbling up in 3 different places for the last few months.
It appears to be happening regularly now and I very often trip when walking over them.
There is no obvious reason except it started happening when we had torrential rain,and it appears to have stretched but surely if the carpet had stretched it would stay bubbly but it appears to settle down and during this hot weather,even this causes it to happen!
I attempted to contact the shop but as I didn't have the receipt there was nothing that could be done,because they apparently updated their computers a year ago and so all details are gone.
We can't afford to replace it so any advice would be appreciated.
We live in Essex and our homes are built on marshland but this has never happened before in the 35 years we have been here.
Simlet, July 2009