my computer says that my copyof windows didnt pass genuine validation?
Your answer: Microsoft are as hot as molten lava now on pirate software. the only way round it is to buy xp at £80 from me, cheaper than what they quote over the net,and over-instll to correct it. you will continue to have problems unless you sort it an I have even known pc's to cease to work because of the pirate version. The only other cheaper way to sort it, is go to the local rubbish dump, find a few pc cases that have been disposed of, copy down the COA number from the blue/green microsoft label on the side/top/bottom or back of the case and then i'll lend you a gold OEM disk to install using a harvested number. Need help ring me on
0 7 9 2 6 1 0 6 1 5 0
C, August 2009