Light switch shrieked like an electric siren!?
Turned it off immediately (while doing a bit of shrieking myself) and the loud noise cut off immediately. Roommate used the same switch five minutes later without a problem but did report the noise had happened once before, a year ago.
The switch is one of two wall switches installed near the bathroom, the light switch used many times daily, yet no one has figured out what the second switches in each set are meant to activate. Previous houses in this area have had a ventilation fan in the bathroom activated by such a setup, but these bathrooms have no vents.
I'm stumped. All the references to noise and light switches talked about the popping noise or the electronic buzz, and those sounds don't match what I heard in type or volume. There is a remote doorbell ringer plugged into a nearby electrical socket--is there a possibility that this was what was generating the shriek and if so, why?
Kliban Qat, September 2009