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worchester 240, pressure dial reads same hot or cold?

my worchester bosch 240, works fine, but for the pressure dial does not move from 2.9 weather central heating/water is on full and hot or off and cold , a trickle of water is expelled out side. tried red knob pressure release to bring it down , but goes back to same point and stays there all the time . tried also replacing regulator valve at the loop .
Graham Young, October 2009
if it's happening when it's cold, and the filling loop isn't passing then it's probably a burst calorifier (hot water heat exchanger)

Ian, October 2009
recharge you expansion vessell.drain water out leave blo off open,fix ordinary car foot pump to valve and pressurise to 1 bar.close valve topup with water

dave engineer fom wigan, October 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Bosch 240.