my desktop starts but monitor isn't responding even tho it gets a signal but at same time it goe's zigzag in different sizes lines with the color background picture or icon thats on thescreen at that time then when I'm doing something I lose what I was doing and have to reboot and my screen is back to normal for awhile then after that while it doe's the same thing again, but after a few days of this going on, one day I went on and couldn't get anything on my monitor it was all black with and item that saids things on all 4 corners around it say things likr check your key board, check your mouse, check your monitor, check your usb port and check your pc, and so on. so with all this can you tell me what happen here to where I can't get anything on my screen like I use to??????????? and also how do I make my desktop or laptop have more speed in all area's as I do different things on either one would I have to upgrade the internet selection I like to have or something else?????
Valerie R.W. Greenlee, April 2010