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How do I fix my Dell TFT monitor?

My Dell 17inch E173 FP TFT displays the PC desktop at startup for about 3 seconds and then the screen just goes black? It has not been banged or damaged. It is out of warrenty. Any ideas? Thanks. Steve
Steve Christopher, March 2006
You problem lies in the inverter board, this is the part that powers the cold cathode lamps to iluminate the dispaly. A common problem is bad capacitors check all capacitors on inverter and main power board look for bulges and brown leakage, replace all bad with 105 electrolytic high quality caps, make sure you check the value on each capacitor before you change them, you can buy these from maplins. Then monitor should work fine. If you are not technically minded then leave this for an engineer

jimski, September 2007
Thanks Jonathan.....will send it to a prof...steve

steve christopher, September 2006
Its a backlight problem.Now you could fix it yourself but it could do more bad than good.

jonathon, March 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Dell.