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Potterton Netaheat 16-22 will not fire up?

My Dad has a Potterton Netaheat 16-22 MK 2 F boiler . it has not bean run for a few months(prior to this working fine) he has just trid to get the heating and hot water on but cannot get anything to run.
Ive been round and checked that there is power to the unit and all appears fine(fuse not blown) and elecrtics are live.
What is the most likely cause?
Thanks Daz
Darryl Coates, September 2010
If not been used for some time, most likely fan stuck.

Be very careful with this model, it has a positive fan, if the case is not correctly sealed after working on, it can be very dangerous liable to push fumes into the room.

I suggest you get an RGI to do the work to ensure your family's safety.

Carefree, September 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Potterton.