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heat exchange valve valiant turbo max boiler?

i had a boiler installed by warm sure-ideal a few years back. the gas valve circuit and cable have been changed twice and have now been told problem is with heat exchange unit. they say it is my fault it broke becaue of hard water but the system has always been used with an inhibitor. is hard water really likely to be the cause. also should i cut my losses and change the whole boiler or keep mending this system. the grant peolpe are now saying hard water problems not covered by grant. please help!!!
Claire, June 2007
whats wrong with heat exchanger ?
never seen a gas valve changed twice on a boiler not that old.
and if the installer knew it was a hard water area why didn't he install a hard water device, example combiguard. which protects your boiler from hard water.
tell them your not an expert on boilers and the installer should have fitted a combiguard to protect it.

hi-spec plumbing, June 2007