Fix Fault Bose


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We have 213 questions about fixing 'bose' in category Audio, CD Players

Bose CD player is not reading or skipping tracks?

Like many Bose owners the CD player on my Bose Wave music system radio is failing to read the CD and skipping around on tracks. Advice on how to clean the lens please. Thanks DJ.

CD not playing?

My Bose AWRC3P just seems dead but when I press the CD play it turns the disc a couple of inches then stops. No sound.

How can I fix my Bose Wave Music System AW?

Only the 4 cd slot on my Bose Music system AWRCC1, is working properly: the cds skip, not all the time, but at different times. Slot 1 was working fine and just began skipping recently. Can anything ... more

Bose CD skips?

My CD player skips, cannot play cds

My Bose CD/Radio keeps ejecting CDs?

My Bose Wave CD/Radio was having trouble playing CDs - it would start to play then stop, repeatedly. It would also make a horrible clicking noise and was clearly struggling. I tried a CD lens cleaning ... more

model awrcci?

On the attachment under my Bose which plays CDs 2,3,4 it comes up announcing DISK ERROR. How can this be corrected?

Replace Laser Bose CD 3000?

Any one got instructions on how to replace the CD laser unit on a Bose Cd 3000(1998) acoustic wave


fix Bose?

My Bose model AWRC-1p Speakers sound bad. Can I replace them?


My Bose wave music system III, radio/CD player suddenly won't play CDs?

Hi, I'm not sure how old mine is but it worked beautifully until suddenly it didn't. Now it flashes "Reading Disc" several times and then says "Not Playable". Does anyone know what might be happeni ... more


How to clean a Bose wave system?

Our bose wave system is old and needs cleaned. I see where people used the qtip and alcohol but I need the instructions.


Humming sound on my Bose Wave?

I have a Bose Wave. It has developed a humming noise when I play Radio, CD, or Aux. The humming seems to stop after a few few minutes. What you suggest to fix. I am guessing cleaning or blow out ... more

BOSE CD-3000 display screen?

Is this part available and easily replaced?

how can I fix my bose wave cd player? approx 16 years old?

When switched on the machine makes a loud static noise a does respond to any of the control buttons

How can I fix Bose Wave Top load CD player?

My Bose Wave CD player radio won’t play a full cd. I Have to open and close top twice it starts playing but after the first 2 songs it stops playing. Model AWRC1G. Bose Wave Radio CD serial 022373 ... more

how can I fix my bose cd-3000?

I picked it up one day and it separated in half and becoming unplugged.It was working great before I plugged it back in and has not worked since.can anybody help me?

how to remove stuck disc?

Bose will not play, and will not eject; displays "no disc" but it is lying. Help!


access to lens?

Brand new Bose - 4 months. getting a read out on screen that all my discs are not playable. Reading all would like to try cleaning lens but how do I get at it. Or should I bring it back to store and ... more


BOSE Wave display?

How can I stop my BOSE Wave radio display going dark when I switch the room light of at night?


Bose wave w/ CD player ?

Unit was dropped and now cuss skip. Advice on how to fix

bose radio/ cd will not power on?

bose cd/radio AWRC-P serial 023075c0180 6920A will not power on.

Fix Fault - Audio, CD Players

home label Audio label_important CD Players