Fix Fault Bose


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We have 213 questions about fixing 'bose' in category Audio, CD Players

cd wont read?

the bose system says it cant read the cd

Bose wave radio /cd no power?

bought new transformer on ebay but don't know power output of it. radio still dead. AWRC-1P

How can I repair a Bose Wave Radio/CD player RWAC-IP (2002 Vintage)?

The steel arbor which spins the disc on this model once had a felt-like coating on it which, when spinning the disc, prevented slippage and presumably dampened vibrations. The fuzzy coating was very ... more


how to clean laser eye?

I am looking for the directions to clean the laser eye in a Bose CD player with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol.......can't find them

Bose wave radio cd player does not rotate disc model awrc-1p?

LED responds to button command and remote but cd either doesn't see cd or just won't spin the cd. How should I Proceed?

Bose wave music system 3. Does not play?

Whatever radio channel I select or cd option it just flashes PLEASE WAIT and stays put.

Where is the laser eye on a Bose stereo system ?

Where is they laser eye on a Bose CD player ? I want to clean it the player will not play CDs.


bose wave radio/cd model awrcc2?

Will read CD, then says "not playable"

bose wave radio cd will not load?

when I put my cd in the front load slot in my bose wave radio it will not take it

cd will not load?

I have a bose wave radio model awrcc1 front load cd. I put the cd in the slot , but it will not go in

Bose wave radio/cd will not play cd's?

Bose wave radio/cd will not play cd's not disc spinning

Where do I put the swab in the bose with the alcohol on it?

I have the top off but dont know what to do next???????????????


Bose Wave radio stopped working AWRC-1P?

Older Bose Wave radio/cd stopped working. Radio was fine til yesterday. When I hit on only the number four displays on the screen. Did the usual troubleshooting, pressed other buttons, plug, unplug, t ... more

Older Bose radio and CD player will not play discs?

I have an old Bose radio and CD player circa 1999. The CD spins but the player will not play them. It recognizes there is a disc. I have cleaned it but no luck.

My BOSE sound cuts in and out. ?

I have one of the original BOSE CD players. Recently I disconnected the AUX cables from the BOSE that were connected to the Sirius/XM receiver. I put them back a few days later, but the AUX sound cut ... more


Bose AWRC-1G CD will not spin?

My Bose Wave Radio unit works fine w the exception that the CD player will not spin up. Any advice would be appreciated.

How can I fix my Bose Acoustic Wave Music System II?

The system will not switch on. I have checked the fuse and that's ok. Before this happened, the volume would turn loud every time the system was switched on and need to be turned down. Can this be res ... more

Bose CD player doesn't always pick up sound right away?

My CD player will spin, sometimes, and "disc" appears on the screen. After I "monkey" with it for awhile it will often start to play.. It is old (so am I) and my classical music station no longer p ... more


bose wave system awrcc6?

My BOSE Wave Music System will not produce any sound any suggestions please? I have turned off the power and nothing else is plugged in

Bose CD player doesn't turn on at all when plugged in?

After carefully shipping my Bose CD player from the USA, when I use working adapters in working plugs, the player doesn't turn on at all. It worked well before, and nothing seems amiss.


Fix Fault - Audio, CD Players

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