how can i fix my scanner. i have a sx215 printer/scanner?

my scanner was working perfectly and suddenly stopped working. the printer still works.

Taking apart sx415?

I am actually looking for a step by step procedure of how to remove and fix all parts in Epson SX415 Printer/Scaner


My H.P. R65 Officejet printer has scanner fault?

This generally reliable 'All in one ' printer now has developed a coying/scanning fault. The 'Warming up' stage in the copy process seems to have become extended and after two minutes the machine c ... more

Networking Issues?

Im running Windows 7 on my home network w/a Netgear wireless router. However I am unable to access my peripherals...

Anyone got Canon N124OU working with Windows7?

I'm really annoyed that there are no Windows 7 Drivers for my Canon N124OU. It's not that old, works perfectly, is all I need and it a landfill candidate just because Canon haven't bothered to update ... more

how can i fix my scanner ,make is epson xp-305?

even though the printer works well with my laptop,windows 7 my scanner just say connection error by the way it`s wireless

my epson sx400 3in1 printer scanner broken ?

my 3in 1 epson sx400 scanner is broken is there any way to use just printer as dont really need scanner but wont let me use as keep geeting scanner error message to turn off can anyone help thanks

what is scanner code of workcenter 7132 xerox?

what is scanner code of workcenter 7132 xerox?

canon ir 2016?

i have a problem with my copier machine when you turn power on scanner cannot move.

scanner epson?

When trying to scan xrays error comes up saying option error reads close the transparency unit and it keeps trying to scan but sounds like it is stuck and the lid is closed all the way


I had a problem with my tx220 E02?

I had a problem with my tx220 E02... on the printer screen it says E02 and scanner error.... anyone can help me?? please??


Film Scanner TV 6500 ?

Film Scanner TV 6500 the disc does not come up with any menu selection so I can't install the software. Anybody with any suggestions


What does code E602-0003 mean on the Cannon Imagerunner 2200?

What does the code E602-0003 mean on the Cannon Imagerunner 2200


Epson RX620-Not Scanning ?

Intermittent fault while scanning. sometimes it will scan, sometimes it will not. Position of machine & connections have not been touched. All other functions e.g. copying are okay.

how can i fix my printer canno 2318?

there is a code 001 and after that there is a code e808, so i can not use it anymore, i want to fix it. i need someone who help me thanks in advance

Hiw can I fix transonic 35mm film scanner?

I get an error message when i try to run it, It says cannot find camera, contact your manufacturer. Then the screen will come up but with an error message saying Acquire source failed... Restart DSM


how to fix memory card sonay m2?

how to fix memory card sonay m2?

My Epsom Stylus DX6050 won't switch on, power up?

My Epsom Stylus DX6050 won't switch on, power up. I have changed the power lead, changed the fuse but still nothing. Any suggestions

Scanning problems?

I have an Epson Artisan 725 all in one printer and the scanner has never given me problems until this week. I haven't used the scanner in a while, but use the printer everyday. When I use the scan ico ... more


how to get a crosley pictograph to work?

it is suppose to be plug and play, in my case the software loads but not the drivers,it will not reconize the scanner, it says there is not enough bandwidth, it says go to DMS , some people are comp ... more